- Writer's block = Writer's block is the temporary inability for a writer to think of what to write.
- Break new ground = To break new ground is to do something that no one else has done.
- Think outside the box = To think freely unbound by rules and restrictions; to develop ideas that are unusal or different.
ex1) I have writer's block at the moment and can't seem to get a sensible sentence on paper.
ex2) Dr. Cerrato is breaking new ground in cancer research.
Genius one percent inspiration, and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
Thomas Edison
It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all.
Edward de Bono
- In what ways do you express your creativity?
- Can one learn creativity or is it something that is innate?
- Do you think being creative is hard work or is it something that flows naturally?
- What are some signs of creativity in the world around us?
- Are there things beyond humanity's ability to create or discover?
- Can sciene be creative? If so, how is creativity expressed in scientific research?
- I'm tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?
- What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
- What has a head and a tail, but no body?
- Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will! What am I?
- What is as light as a feather, but even the world's strongest person couldn't hold it for more that a minute?
- A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid. What is it?
- David was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrela and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked yet not a hair in his head got wet. How could this be?
- Draw four continuous straght lines, connecting all the dots without lifting your pencil from the paper.
Riddle은 수수께끼인데요.
질문을 듣고 무엇인지 맞추는데 창의성이 좀 필요해요.
예전에 읽었던 이집트 신화가 생각나요.
스핑크스가 길목을 지키고 앉아 수수께끼를 내는데요.
맞추는 사람은 지나갈 수 있지만 틀리면 죽임을 당하는 그런 이야기였어요.
"What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, three legs in the evening, and no legs at night?"
그 스핑크스가 바로 이 질문을 했어요.
정답은 따로 댓글에 적을게요.
이 외에 음식점 이야기도 좀 나눴어요.
Nicaraguan restaurant인 Fritanga와 Moroccan restaurant인 Baida를 알게 됐어요.
이 중에 Baida를 가봤는데 처음 먹는 모로코 음식인데도 입맛에 잘 맞았어요.
'세인트루이스 생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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