Focus and Distraction
- to have a lot on your plate = to be busy and have many commitments
- to keep your eye peeled = to watch carefully for someone or something (literally or figuratively)
ex1) Recently I have had a lot of my plate, but now that I have finished moving, I will have more time.
ex2) Keep your eyes peeled for the bus. We don't want to miss it while we are getting coffee.
ex3) Ellie is not very happy with her job, so she is keeping her eyes peeled for other opportunities.
Discuss the following:
Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger.
Arnold Palmer (b. 1929), professional golfer
If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done.
Bruce Lee (19401973), actor and martial artist
- Describe a time in your life when you were very focused. How were you able to maintain this focus?
- What are some things that distract you? When you lose focus, what are some things that help you re-focus?
- Does having others aroud you help you become more focused, or does it make you more distracted?
- Some people have described modern society as "distracted." Do you agree? If so, what effect does this have on your personal, academic/professional, and community life?
- Is there something you would like to do but have not done because of distractions?
- What are some concrete steps we can take to help keep each other more focused?
많은 이야기를 나누었는데, 주제와 관련 없는 것(의료 보험 등)까지 말하게 되면서 말그대로 이번 주제와 잘 맞는 상황이 연출되었어요.
특히 요즘 스마트폰을 사용하게 되면서 더욱 산만해지고 책 읽는 시간도 대화도 줄어들게 되는 것을 걱정했어요.
아이에게 언제 폰을 사줄 것인가 하는 질문을 인디아에게 한 적이 있는데요.
일단 십대가 되야겠지만 주변의 상황을 고려해서 친구들이 다 폰을 갖고 있다면 사줄 수밖에 없지 않을까 하는 이야기를 했고요.
누군가를 만날 때 상대방이 나를 앞에 두고 휴대폰으로 sns를 보는 등, 나와의 대화에 집중하지 못하면 기분이 별로라는 말을 하다가 내가 편한 사람-남편-을 앞에 두고 똑같은 행동을 하고 있는 모습을 돌아보기도 했어요.
eye peeled란 표현은 미드 굿플레이스 6화에서도 나오네요 :)
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