짧은 방학을 마치고 다시 시작하는 영어 회화입니다. 이번 주제는 겨울이에요.
- To bundle up = To dress yourself or someone else warmly.
- The tip of the iceberg = Only the beginning; just a smal indication of a larger possibility; a problem is much bigger that it seems.
ex1) My neighbors' son was completely bundled up yesterday when he was walking to school. He could hardly turn his head!
ex2) I heard my car making a funny sound when I turned corners, and that was just the tip of the iceberg.
Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home."
Edith Sitwell (1887-1964) British poet and literary critic
1. Which aspects of winter do you appreciate or enjoy the most?
2. If you come from a place with a winter season, what sorts of holidays, traditions, foods, or drinks are associated with winter in your culture?
3. What are some of the less enjoyable aspects of winter? How do you cope with them?
4. Have you every lived in a place that did not have a winter season? Could you imagine living in such a place? Why or why not?
5. Does winter affect the way you relate to other people (classmates, co-workers, neighbors, strangers, etc.)? If so, how?
6. How might you explore and enjoy winter in St. Louis?
이렇게 배운 후에 Blood Full Moon이 있는 날 뉴스 기사를 하나 봤는데, 거기서 'bundle up'이라는 표현이 나왔어요.
기존엔 몰라서 그냥 대충 넘어갈 문장이었는데, '아 며칠 전에 배운거다!'하고 반가운 마음이 들었어요.
지식을 쌓아간다는 것, 새로운 걸 알아가는 건 바로 이런 묘미가 있기 때문에 멈추지 않는 거겠죠 :)
이 외에 겨울에 세인트루이스에서 할 만한 액티비티도 알려줬는데요.
대학 농구, 아이스 스케이팅, 아트힐 썰매, 아이스 카니발, 블루스 하키 경기, 마디 그라스, 스키, 대머리 독수리 구경 등이 있었어요.
'세인트루이스 생활 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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