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세인트루이스 생활/영어

Success and Failure

Success and Failure



  • Keeping up with the Joneses = taking a competitive approach to material possessions, and always trying to have the latest and best things.
  • to paint yourself into a corner = to do something which places you in a very difficult situation and limits the wa that you can act.


ex1) My sister never used to care about keeping up with the Joneses, but now that she's married, her husband always wants the best of everything!

ex2) My roommate really painted himself into a corner. He sold his car to pay off some debts, but now he can't drive to work.





Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm

Winston Churchill (1874-1965), British politician


It is better to fail in originalit than to succeed in imitation

Herm nan Melville (1819-1891), U.S. novelist


Joneses는 common family name이라고 해요.

India가 이야기를 할 때면 나오는 문장들을 간혹 적어두곤 하는데요.

'아 이렇게 말하면 되는구나'하고 배울 수 있게 되서 좋아요.


Jump on the bandwagon (=to join an activity that has become very popular or to change your opinion to one that has become very popular so that you can share in its success)


Stress was through the roof.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Draw a line.


이 외에도 godfather, godmother에 대해서도 이야기했는데요. 모든 미국인이 godparent가 있는 건 아니라고 해요. 종교적인 것이고요.

친구나 가족이 하고 Second parent의 역할을 한다고 보면 된대요.


베이비샤워도 이야기 했었는데 이건 후에 자세히 하기로 했어요.


인디아가 영국에서 살았었는데, 같은 영어권 국가지만 용어가 달라서 새로 익혀야 했던 경험이 있다고 했어요.

예를 들어, 유모차는 stroller라고 하는데 영국에서는 pram이라고 부른다고 해요.

말이 통하는데 기존의 단어와 달리 새로 익혀야 한다는게 참 신기했어요.



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