- knock on wood = An expression people use when talking about something good that is currently happening or that they hope will happen in the future
- urban legend = A myth or piece of folklore that is totally false 1
ex1) The mechanic said that the noise I'm hearing in my breaks is normal in damp weather. He will take a look, but he said there is probably nothing that needs to be repaired, knock on wood!
ex2) Who told you that story about his cousin's neighbor waking up in a bathtub with a surgical scar and only one kidney? That's totally an urban legend.
Superstition is the irrational belief that an object or behavior has the power to influence an outcome, when there's no logical connection between them. Most of us aren't superstitious-but most of us are a 'littlestitious.'
Gretchen Rubin, U.S author
Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition
Adam Smith (1723-1790), Scottish philosopher
13 common (But Silly) Superstitions
13. Beginner's luck
12. Find a penny, pick it up ...
11. Don't walk under that ladder!
10. Black cats crossing your path
09. A rabbit's foot will bring you luck
08. Bad luck comes in threes
07. Careful with that mirror
06. 666 = the mark of Satan
05. Knock on wood
04. Make a wish on a wishbone
03. Cross your fingers
02. No umbrellas inside
01. Friday the 13th
Superstition에 관한 이야기를 나누었는데요.
12. 땅에 떨어진 penny같은 경우는 penny는 제일 작은 돈인데요. 주워도 나에게 큰 영향을 미치지 않는 돈이지요.
사람마다 head up인지 tail up인지에 따라 줍기도 줍지 않기도 한다네요.
09. 토끼 발과 비슷한 경우는 Ladybug이나 Beatles가 있다고 해요.
06. 중국에서는 6가 work successfully , 8이 wealthy를 의미한다는 말을 들었고요.
04. wishbone은 칠면조의 가슴 뼈로 하는데, 땡스기빙때 둘이 뼈의 양쪽을 잡고 잡아 당긴다고 해요. 당겨서 중심뼈를 포함한 뼈를 얻은 사람이 행운을 가져간다고 합니다.
02. 중국에서는 실내에서 우산을 펼치면 키가 크지 않는다는 미신이 있다고 해요.
또 소금을 쏟으면 몇 꼬집 집어서 왼쪽 어깨 너머로 소금을 뿌린 후 치운다고 해요.
제가 생각하는 우리나라 미신으로는 손톱, 피리, 하수구 뚜껑 등이 있어요. 그 외에 더 많이 있지요.
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