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세인트루이스 생활/영어

동양과 서양의 차이는? / 영어 단어 맞추기 게임 (Taboo game) 일주일에 한 번 있는 영어 회화 마지막 시간이었어요. 새학기가 되는 1월 중순까지는 수업이 없어요. 오늘은 사진도 찍고, India샘과 Claire샘 모두 함께하는 시간이었어요. 특별한 주제를 정하지 않고, 대신 동양과 서양의 차이를 표현한 그림 몇 장과 낱말 보드 게임인 Taboo를 했어요. East Meets West (사진 출처: http://bsix12.com/east-meets-west/) Yang Liu라는 디자이너의 Inforgraphic portrait입니다. 14살에 중국에서 독일로 건너간 그녀는 독일과 중국, 두 나라의 문화가 어떻게 다른지를 표현했다고 해요. 댓글에 보니 2007년도 작품이라고 하니, 시간이 좀 흘러 안맞는게 있지만 동양과 서양의 비교라고 봐도 무방할 것 같아요. 파란.. 더보기
Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition Idioms take (something) with a grain of salt = If you take something with a grain or a pinch of salt, you consider that thing not to be completely true or accurate. have your cake and eat it too = To have your cake and eat it too is to have two incompatible things. ex1) The label says this yogurt is organic, but you should take that with a grain of salt. ex2) It's nice to slee.. 더보기
Success and Failure Success and Failure Idioms Keeping up with the Joneses = taking a competitive approach to material possessions, and always trying to have the latest and best things. to paint yourself into a corner = to do something which places you in a very difficult situation and limits the wa that you can act. ex1) My sister never used to care about keeping up with the Joneses, but now that she's married, he.. 더보기
Superstitions Superstitions Idioms knock on wood = An expression people use when talking about something good that is currently happening or that they hope will happen in the future urban legend = A myth or piece of folklore that is totally false ex1) The mechanic said that the noise I'm hearing in my breaks is normal in damp weather. He will take a look, but he said there is probably nothing that needs to be.. 더보기
Aging and Youth Aging and Youth Idioms over the hill = old, past the prime of life wet behind the ears = inexperienced, new, just beginning Get off my lawn = The phrase presents the supposed reaction of a stereotypical elderly middle-class homeowner confronting boisterous children entering or crossing his [or her] property. ex1) When I was in college, I thought anyone over 30 was over the hill. Now, 30 sounds y.. 더보기
Autumn 이번 주제는 'Autumn' 입니다. 이번주부터 한국처럼 여기도 날씨가 서늘해졌어요. 낮에는 햇빛이 쨍쨍해서 밖에 오래 있다보면 좀 덥긴 하지만요. 그늘은 정말 시원하고 아침, 밤으로 쌀쌀해요. 제가 좋아하는 가을이 와서 덩달아 요즘 제 기분도 정말 좋아요. Idioms Autumn years - it is often used to refer to the later years in someone's life Apple of my eye - someone wht is cherished above everyone (= favorite) Golden handshake - used in Business English to refer to a large sum of money that is given to an .. 더보기
Freindship 주 1회 영어 회화를 다니고 있어요. 어떤 주제에 대해 이야기 하는 건데, 숙어도 배우고 질문을 통해 각 나라의 문화나 미국와서 느끼는 것들을 자유롭게 말한답니다. 복습할 겸 정리해서 올리기로 했어요. 첫 주제는 "Freindship"이에요. Idioms joined at the hip = very close, spending lots of time together (similar to 'two peas in a pod.') to hit it off = to quickly become good friends with someone ex1) Evey time I see Melanie, she's with Jennifer. The two of them are joined at the hip! ex2) Eva.. 더보기