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넷플릭스 드라마 추천 (미드/캐드) 빨간 머리 앤 "ANNE WITH AN E" 시즌1 02화

빨간 머리 앤 (ANNE WITH AN E)




넷플릭스 드라마 추천 (미드/캐드) 빨간 머리 앤 "ANNE WITH AN E" 시즌1 01화



[시즌 1] 2. I Am No Bird, and No Net Ensnares Me




2화 줄거리 (출처: 넷플릭스)

A determined Matthew embarks on a journey to bring Anne home. Marilla is sick with worry but struggles to express her emotions.


1화에서 어떤 사건으로 앤이 그린 게이블을 떠나게 되요.

그런 앤을 집으로 다시 집으로 데려오기 위해 매튜가 길을 나서요.



그럼 제가 인상적이었던 부분을 옮겨볼게요.


No, no. Uh... We're fine.



This man is indeed bothering me.



That so?



We're fine. She's my daughter.


매튜의 말을 끝으로 둘의 시선이 마주치는데 정말 마음이 찡해지더라고요.




Did you feel a sense of obligation?

Is that it?

Because I would have been fine on my own!

Better than here!


Why would you send for me if you didn't even want me?



But we do want you, Anne.




Well, it's obvious you don't!


I don't know what to do.




I have a question for you.

I wonder...

will you forgive me?



I am very sorry, Anne.


When brooch went missing, I was quick to judge.

But what's worse is that I pushed you to fib.

What else were you to do?

Makes me shudder to think of it.

And of course I know now that you were telling the truth.

You are a truthful girl, Anne, even now.

and that is an admirable quality.


2화에서 슬픈 장면 중 하나였어요.

그러면서 솔직하게 사과하는 마릴라의 모습이 좋았고요.

이 장면은 가슴이 너무 아팠어요.

사람들의 편견이 참 무섭더라고요.

저렇게 함부러 남을 판단하는 사람이 되지 말자 생각도 하고요.



This is your family Bible.


You want me to be a Cuthbert?

A-A real Cuthbert?




We do.

We want our name to belong to you.



I am going to belong?



We hope you like the sound of Anne Shirley Cuthbert.






Weel, it seems a little perfunctory, don't you think?








Well, surely there needs to be a ceremony of-of some kind in honor of an auspicious moment?

As someone who has never belonged to anyone before, I believe that this is a matter of much solemnity.

Don't you? 


축하할 일이죠. 정식으로 커스버트가 되는 앤입니다.

이 장면에서 앤의 매력을 또 엿볼 수가 있었고요 :)



I don't think I've ever been so excited in my whole life.


손을 떨면서 패밀리 바이블에 이름을 작성하는 앤...

저도 덩달아 같이 울었어요.


여러번 봐도 재밌어요.